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本期与大家分享英文原版写作书,名为The little red writing book。本书从英文写作结构,写作风格及英文语法等三个维度详细介绍了英文写作技巧。今天着重和大家分享英文写作逻辑结构的训练方法。
英文写作逻辑结构有多重要?写作是英文学习中最难的部分,英文写作需要调用全面的综合的英语语言技巧,不仅仅要求掌握扎实的语法、词汇等基础知识,还要求学习者了解英文的逻辑和思维。实际上,国内的英文教育从小学到大学主要以 grammar-oriented 的教学方式,即绝大部分的英文教学关注的是词汇量和语法,而对于英文思维的训练少之又少。加之受到中文思维的影响,英文写作对中国学生而言难上加难。中国传统思维注重“悟”和“感觉”,主张借助直觉和体会从总体上模糊而直接地把握认识对象内在的本质,倾向于以经验为基础去理解事物,呈现的是感性的表达和判断。而西方的思维则具有浓厚的实证,理性和思辨的色彩。大家如果读过古希腊哲学家的著作,便会发现,他们对自然界的观察和实验渗透着理性的思维和哲学的思辨,他们非常注重事物之间的内在联系。
技巧 1: Top-down approach
何谓至上而下的写作方法?简而言之,当我们在写作的时候,为了让读者更加清晰了解写作意图,写作遵从“总体”到“细节”的原则,也就是总分原则去描述事物。在这本写作小红书中,作者以生活中的场景为例:场景1:“Sheila can do you something for me when you’re down-town? If you’re taking the subway to Main Street, get off and take the first exit out of the subway and walk down to Cross Street. At the intersection of Cross Street and Vine, you’ll find a Sandy’s Stationary store. Can you go in and pick up a couple of reams of A5 paper? ”
场景2:“Sheila can you do something for me when you’re down-town? I need a couple of reams of A5 paper. The best place to get them is Sandy’s Stationary store. You can take the subway to Main Street, get off and take the first exit out of the subway and walk down to Cross Street. The store is at the intersection of Cross Street and Vine.”
相信大家都非常熟悉以上的对话场景,说话的人希望Sheila 帮忙买A5纸。实际上,两个场景想表达的内容差不多,但是由于表述的逻辑结构不同,表达的效果完全不同。在第一个场景中,由于说话的人一开始并没有说清楚要帮什么忙,所以听者很困惑不知道对方要干嘛,直到听到最后一句才反应过来对方的真正目的是希望自己帮忙买A5纸。在现实生活当中,遇到类似情况,听的人很可能会让说的人再重复一遍前面的细节内容因为等对方听到最后一句真正意图的时候才想起来前面的细节。而第二个版本,说话的人在一开始就非常清晰地表达了自己的要求,并且在接下来的表达中和对方详细说明了帮助的具体方式。所以不管是写作还是口语,组织语言的逻辑结构非常重要。我们首先需要明确表达的目的,然后提供具体的说明或者解释,让对方快速理解表达的目的。
技巧 2:Break things down 细节列举法
所谓细节描述法就是清晰的列出写作具体目的,也可以理解为listing 即列举法,罗列和概括接下来文章的内容。这种方法通常会用在段落的topic sentence, 也就是段落的中心句。好的中心句子能够起 “ 窥一斑而见全豹“ 的效果。
例1:“ I would like to show who I am through a discussion of three special turning points in my personal and career development: when I switched from an English major to an education major , whenI spent a year teaching in South Korea, and when I completed my graduate degree in business“
例2:“ Based on information taken from a recent survey, this report summarizes the three biggest problems that our company faces, namely employee turnover, store thefts, and poor customer service.“
技巧 3:Use transition words
衔接词(transition words)也叫 “signposting words”指路词或“signal words” 信号词,其主要作用有四个:1)体现对比 2) 解释说明 3)呈现内容的连续性 4)时间的起止。以下图形列举了若干常见的衔接词。
正确使用这些词汇能够让读者找到作者所表达的事物之间的内在联系。比如,当我们使用for instance 的时候,读者预测到接下来作者要举例子来说明问题;使用in conclusion的时候,意味着作者要做出结论。这些词汇有效地体现了作者的创作逻辑和思路,同时也帮助读者更好理解作者要传达的意思。
技巧 4:
Employ the six basic writing structures
例:I like apple, orange and watermelon.
I would like to talk about America, China, and Britain.
2)评估法 (evaluative)
例:Advertising brings a range of negative impacts.
Let’s talk about what voters think: those for, those against, and those undecided.
例:The bar chart shows the sales of clothes from June to August.
4) 比较法 (comparative)
例:Let’s compare our company to our competitors in terms of size, products and resources.
We will share our most important goals and minor goals.
5) 排列顺序法 (sequential)
例: The process of chocoloate production can be outlined in seven steps.
6) 因果分析法(causal)
例如:Let’s talk about the primary causes of global warming and the likely effects of global warming .
技巧 5:Keep like things together
版本1: In 1981,Roger Sperry received the Nobel Prize for his proof of the split-brain theory. According to Dr. Sperry, the brain has two hemispheres with different, but over-lapping functions.
The left side of the brain is responsible for analytical, linear, verbal, and national thought. Left-brain thinking is “spotlight” thinking. The right hemisphere is holistic, imaginative , nonverbal ,and artistic . It is the left brain that a person relies on when balancing a checkbook, remembering names and dates, or setting goals and objectives. Whenever a person recalls another person’s face, becomes engrossed in a symphony , or simply daydreams, that person is engaging in right-brain functions. Right-brain thinking is “floodlight” thinking and right-brain processes are , to the chagrin of many, less often rewarded in school. Since most of the Western concepts of thinking come from Greek logic, which is a linear logic system,left-brained processes are most rewarded in the Western education system.
In summary, the right and left hemispheres of the brain each specialize in distinct types of thinking processes. In the most basic sense, the left brain is the analytical side while the right brain is the creative side.
版本2: In 1981, Roger Sperry received the Nobel Prize for his proof of the split-brain theory. According to Dr. Sperry, the brain has two hemispheres with different, but overlapping functions. The right and left hemispheres of the brain each spe-cialize in distinct types of thinking processes. In the most basic sense, the left brain is the analytical side while the right brain is the creative side.
The left side of the brain is responsible for analytical, lin-ear, verbal, and rational thought. Left-brain thinking is “spotlight" thinking; it is the left brain that a person relies on when balancing a checkbook, remembering names and dates, or setting goals and objectives. Since most of the Western concepts of thinking are derived from Greek logic, which is a linear logic system, left-brained processes are most rewarded in the Western education system.
The right hemisphere is holistic, imaginative, nonverbal, and artistic. Whenever a person recalls another person's face, becomes engrossed in a symphony, or simply daydreams, that person is engaging in right-brain functions. Right-brain thinking is "floodlight" thinking but, to the chagrin of many, these processes are less often rewarded in school.
[1] Royal, Brandon. 2022. The little red writing book. The Writer's Digest Books.
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