
A. 野性的呼唤作者介绍英文
《野性的呼唤》作者是美国现实主义作家杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日-1916年11月22日)。主要作品有:小说集《狼的儿子》,中篇小说《野性的呼唤》、《热爱生命》、《白牙》,长篇小说《海狼》、《铁蹄》和《马丁·伊登》等。
Jack London (January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916) was an American author, journalist, and social activist.
Jack London was the best-selling, highest paid and most popular American author of his time."The Call of the Wild" (1903) was his biggest success. "The Sea-Wolf" (1904) was turned into the first full-length American movie. Later came "The Iron Heel" (1908), a premonition of the Orwellian world, and the autobiographical "Martin Eden" (1909). The highest-paid writer of his time, he earned over $2 million yet he was always broke. In 1905 he bought a ranch in California, where he designed the first concrete silo in the state. His books provided operating income. His ecological approach and effort to adapt the ideas of Asian sustainable agriculture was ahead of his time. In 1913 his Big House was ruined by a devastating fire and Jack was financially and mentally hurt.
B. The Call of the Wild,野性的呼唤小说中简介,最好是中英文对照的。
《The Call of the Wild》 tells the story of a dog named Buck.He is stolen from his home in the Santa Clara Valley of California,and taken to the Alaskan gold fields to be a sled dog.This story tells the life of Buck as he is passed from owner to owner.He eventually finds a kind master,John Thornton.
“野性的召唤”讲述了一只名叫巴克的狗的故事,他从加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉山谷的家中被偷走,被带到阿拉斯加的金色田地当雪橇犬。这个故事讲述了巴克的生活, 是从老板传给老板,他最终找到了一个善良的大师约翰·桑顿。
Barker, who had been living in a greenhouse environment since childhood, was trafficked into the wilderness as a sled dog. The brutal reality touched Buck's instinct and consciousness of returning to nature because of the long-term influence of human civilization. Poor living environment exercise Buck, he continued to grow in the experience. Eventually won the top spot in the sled dogs group by defeating the dog king Spitz. When the brutal Hall slaughtered Barre's body and dying, John Thornton's rescue gave Barker a warm feeling and decided to vow to die and loyal to his benefactor, but the bereavement of the Lord completely shattered Buck's nostalgia for human society, Thus prompting Buck strong determination, resolutely to the wilderness, return to nature.
作者简介(About the Author)
Jack London (12 January 1876 – 22 November 1916)was an American author who wrote The Call of the Wild and other books. A pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first Americans to make a lucrative career exclusively from writing.
杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日 - 1916年11月22日)是一位美国作家,他写了“野性的召唤”等书。 作为当时迅速发展的商业杂志小说世界的先驱,他是第一批从写作中获得丰厚职业的美国人之一。
他创作的其他书籍(Other books)
《热爱生命》Love of Life、《白牙》White Fang、《海狼》The Sea-Wolf、《铁蹄》The Iron Heel、《马丁·伊登》Martin Eden 等等...
C. 野性的呼唤 读后感 英语版
The call of the wild
At the beginning of this century, many new writers emerged with the introction of many new ideas. Among them, Jack London was the most popular one.
His most famous novel is the call of the wild . Although it is a story about a dog, Buck, it vividly depicts the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortune.
Buck, used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to North. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled . In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to conform to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the tough environment. This is the call of the wild.
When you read the story, you will feel that Buck is a man instead of a dog, struggling with his fortune and conforming to the law of nature.
Though short, it is really a thrilling story. What you never forget is the tough life in the nature, the brave and crafty dog. Maybe the wild is calling you to go ahead.
While writing for only 16 years throughout his life, London proced an amazing body of work among which, White Fang, Martin Eden, the Valley of the Moon are representative.
巴克是一条体重140磅的十分强壮的狗。他本来在一个大-法官家里过着由于的生活,后来被法官的园丁偷走,辗转卖给邮局,又被送到阿拉斯加严寒地区拉运送邮件的雪橇。巴克最初被卖给两个法裔加拿大人。这些被买来的狗不仅受到了人类的冷酷略待,而且在狗之间为了振铎勾裙的领导权么无时不在互相争斗、残杀.由于体力超群、机智勇敢,巴克最终打败斯比茨成为狗的领队狗。他先后换过几个主人,作后被约瀚-索顿收留。那是在巴克被残暴的住人哈尔打得遍体鳞伤,奄奄一息时,索顿救了他,并悉心为他疗伤。在索顿的精心互利下巴克恢复得很快. 一条狗!不!一条狼……又回到那n久前的嚎叫,祖先原始的野性在他身上重生!
D. 野性的呼唤英文版文献综述
行整理和代叙,建议你先把有关人性特点的研究的内容扯扯,就是比如“第一章 西方文学作品中的人性主题”,把这个有关人性的描述的代际给写写,可以弄弄其中人性内容主题的变化啦,发展状况,然后把你要写的这篇所属的那一部分详细写写。然后在第二章里在把野性的呼唤反应的人性、阐述背景扯扯。接着第三章把同期的或者是同种类型的作品的描述技巧与此篇的同异扯扯。你写着写着就会发现,几千字已经码上了,文献综述一般是对已有研究的整理,但是仅此工作量也很大的。如果需要相关资料的话可以网络hi我,把邮箱地址给我可以发一些给你。
说行天下:小说网站上千个,总有一个适合您。 说行天下 最给力.
E. 《野性的呼唤》中英文翻译。
F. 急!!野性的呼唤 英文 作者简介 作者信息 英文!!
The Call of the Wild
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For other uses, see Call of the Wild (disambiguation)
The Call of the Wild
First edition cover
Author Jack London
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Adventure novel
Publisher Macmillan
Publication date 1903
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 140 pp
OCLC 28228581
Followed by White Fang
The Call of the Wild ---- Plot summary
Buck, the main character, is a 140 lb Saint Bernard/Scotch Shepherd cross, which gives him the appearance of an exceptionally large dog. Buck leads a comfortable life as the pet of Judge Miller in the Santa Clara Valley of Northern California. Judge Miller's gardener's assistant, Manuel, abcts the dog and sells him to a trainer of sled dogs, which were in great demand e to the discovery of "a yellow metal" in the frozen lands of the Yukon. Slowly introced to the brutality of his new life, Buck is forced to survive and adapt to conditions in Alaska and the Yukon. He works pulling sleds with other dogs, learns to steal food, and engages in power struggle with other dogs for the lead position in the sled team. His owners soon learn that even though his enemy, Spitz, is "a devil," Buck is "two devils." He becomes the leader of the sled team after defeating Spitz in a battle. He changes hands many times before he is eventually acquired by a kind and loving owner, John Thornton. When Thornton is killed by "Yeehat" native Americans, Buck goes into a beastly rage and kills several members of the native tribe. Buck returns to the wild and becomes the alpha male of a wolf pack he met a few days before the death of Thornton. Of the world Buck enters, London writes "the salient thing of this other world seemed fear." It is a world of dream that Buck enters, when he becomes something of a legend.
G. the call of the wild 野性的呼唤的主要内容(英语)
杰克·伦敦(1876-1916),美国著名作家。主要作品有:《狼的孩子》、《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》等19部中长篇小说和《热爱生命》、《猎熊的孩子》等150余篇短篇小说。尤其以动物小说引人注目,笔力雄健,气势恢弘,充满着生命的抗争,深受到全世界少年儿童的广泛喜爱,被译成近70种文字,在世界文坛上享有盛誉。 《野性的呼唤》是杰克·伦敦的代表作之一。在美国,不仅被许多学校指定为课外必读书,还被改编成电影,家喻户晓,被誉为世界动物小说的奠基之作。小说的主人公巴克是一条血统优良的狗,性格文雅温顺,自幼生长在南方,过着悠闲舒适的生活。自从有一天,它被人偷偷买掉后,生活、性格都发生了巨大的变化……小说生动地叙述了巴克被买到北方后,怎样适应残酷的现实,成为一只最著名的雪橇狗,最后它又怎样变成一条狼……小说自始至终洋溢着一种热爱生活、努力生存、坚忍不拔、勇往直前的精神,蕴涵着深刻的人生体验和深厚的社会文化内涵。
H. 野性的呼唤这本书英文版的主要大意
I. 关于杰克伦敦的《野性的呼唤》这篇小说的赏析
野性的呼唤 有中文版的。(野性的默唤) 中文翻译 名
文社 里面有
J. 《野性的呼唤》中英对照版