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『壹』 高中生看英语小说

呵呵,要学英语词汇的话买套那种看电影学英文 或者英文音乐这种杂志。我高二的时候榜上的同学大部分都用这种。我08年毕业的。小说的话你看看蔡依林写的英文小说吧 名字我我忘记了。
④英语要考90+分还有一个就是语法,多问问老师不敢问老师就问同学或者去借同学们的笔记,觉得不好意思就看语法书做语法题,一种语法题做的多了语感就出来了。有时看到题目顺口就能把选择题答案读出来。呵呵 我当初家里穷胆子小不敢问老师。都是看同学的语法书,自己买语法试题做出来的 呵呵我高考英语106分吧,嘿嘿。平时成绩也就是90分的样子。
呵呵再给你讲个故事吧,我高一的时候,李阳疯狂英语到我们学校搞宣传,来的是李阳他学生角阎什么的,那时候买一套资料150快,我们3个重点班180多个人买了100套,刚开始2周很多人早自习啊,下课啊 ,上厕所啊,都带着一本李阳疯狂英语词汇。1个月过去了我哪里差不多凑齐了1套李阳疯狂英语。我没钱买着东西都是无聊借人家看。2个月过去之后我就仅仅看到一个人每天坚持下课带疯狂英语。他高考英语137分。我们都是理科生。剩下的那90多个买李阳英语资料的人呢高考英语每一个上110的 最高也就是我这水平。。。所以你别太着急还有一年你慢慢坚持英语90分还是个小菜。。。。呵呵。。。。。努力吧。。。。。。。
晕这么多人回答你了啊 我看到这个问题的时候每一个回答 呵呵 希望对你有帮助!!!

『贰』 高考英语阅读理解文章分几类


『叁』 高考阅读理解或高中英语阅读理解带有全文翻译的书有哪些



























『肆』 高考英语阅读理解文章有哪些类型我做阅读题一定文章类型的概念都没有,到底要不要有这种类型的概念呢。


『伍』 高考英语阅读理解一共有多少篇

3-5篇 3篇很少见 4、5篇比较正常 近几年5篇偏多

『陆』 谁有高考英语阅读理解长篇的题目,越多越好

Passage 1
Up,Up,and Away!
Anadventurer who became the first person to fly across the English Channel on aclusterof balloons has launched a house into the sky just like inthe hit movie Up-in reparation for a more ambitious journey and a new record.
FearlessTrappe,from North Carolina,stepped into the cartoon themed home before flying above the LeonInternational Balloon Festival in Mexico more than a week ago.
The38-year-old Trappe was using the event as a warm-up for his plannedtrans-Atlantic flight scheled for next summer.He aims to complete the 2,500-mile journey in a seven-foot lifeboat carried by 365 huge heliumballoons.
Thebrave man is learning to sail a lifeboat,in case he needs to ditch intothe ocean ring the danger-filled adventure.
Hesill fly at between 18,000 feet and 25,000 feet,beating his previous world altituderecord of 21,600 feet,and must fly uninterrupted a distance ten times longer than his previousworld record of 230 miles in order to succeed.
Theadventurer Trappe,who holds records forcrossing the Alps,flying the most clusterballoons,and the longest distance,has spent his entire career,building up to thisambitious plan.
“Ididn’t wake up one day and think:‘I’ going to fly acrossthe Atlantic,’”he said.“Every attempt before this was prepared for this fight,I’ve been training for a long time”.
1.The adventurer flew acrossthe English Channel to__________.
A.test the balloons B.launch a house
C.shoot a hit movie D.prepare for breaking a record
2.To finish the journey,he will fly a distance of__________.
A.2500 miles B.18,000 feet C.25,000 feet D.230 miles
3.About the ambitiousjourney,which is NOT mentioned in thepassage?
A.When he will fly B.How high he sill fly
C.How far he will fly D.How long it will take him
4.How many world recordsdoes Jonathan hold?
A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five
5.What does he lastparagraph imply?
A.Trappe can’t sleepworrying about the adventure
B.Trappe was born to set world records
C.Trappe always keeps his ambition in mind
D.Trappe never thought of crossing the Atlanticbefore

Passage 2
Everyday we go to school and listen to the teacher,and the teacher will askus some questions.Sometimes,the classmates will ask your opinions of the work of the class.When you are telling others in the class what you have found out aboutthese topics,remember that they must be able tohear what you are saying.You are not taking part ina family conversation or having a chat with friends---you are in a slightlyunnatural situation where a large group of people will remain silent,waiting to hear what you have to say.You must speak so thatthey can hear you---loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying toshout or appearing to force yourself.
Remember,too,that it is the same if you are calledto an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a governmentofficial who might meet you.The person you are seeingwill try to put you at your ease but the situation is somewhat different fromthat of a ordinary conversation.You must take special carethat you can be heard.
1.When you speak to theclass,you should speak ______.
A.as slowly as possible B.in a low voice C.loudly D.forcefully
2.Usually,when you speak to the class,the class is _______.
A.noisy B.quiet C.having a rest D.serious
3 The situation in the class is ______ that in yourhouse.
A.not very different from B.sometimes the same as
C.sometimes not the same as D.not the same as
4.If you are having aconversation with an official,the most important thingfor you is ______.
A.to show your ability B.to be very gentle
C.to make sure that you can be heard D.to put the official at ease
5.The main idea of thispassage is ______.
A.that we should talk indifferent ways in different situations
B.that we must speak loudly
C.that we must keep silent at any time
D.that we must talk with the class

Passage 3
About21,000 young people in 17 Americanstates do not attend classes in school buildings.
Instead,they receive their elementary and high school ecation by working athome on computers.The Center for EcationReform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools.” and that is about twice as many as two years ago.
The money for students to attend a cyberschoolcomes from the governments of the states where they live.Some ecators say cyberschools receive money that should supporttraditional public schools.They also say it isdifficult to know if students are learning well.
Other ecators praise this new form of ecation for letting studentswork at their own speed.These people saycyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditionalschools.They say learning at home by computerends long bus rides for children who live far from school.
Whatever the judgement of cyberschools,they are getting more andmore popular.For example,a new cyberschool called Commonwealth Connections Academy will take instudents this fall.It will serve children inthe state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.
Children get free equipment for their online ecation.This includes a computer,a printer,books and technical services.Parents and students talkwith teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computers whennecessary.
Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another.But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania CyberCharter School recently met for the first time.They were guests of honorat their graation.
1.What do we know from thetext about students of a cyberschool?
A.They have to take long bus rides toschool.
B.They study at home rather than inclassrooms.
C.They receive money from traditionalpublic schools.
D.They do well in traditional schoolprograms.
2.What is a problem withcyberschools?
A.Their equipment costs a lot of money.
B.They get little support from thestate government.
C.It is hard to know students' progressin learning.
D.The students find it hard to makefriends.
3.Cyberschools are gettingpopular became _______.
A.they are less expensivefor students
B.their students can work at their own speed
C.their graates are moresuccessful in society
D.they serve students in a wider age range
4.We can infer that theauthor of the text is _______.
A.unprejudiced in hisdescription of cyberschools
B.excited about the future ofcyberschools
C.doubtful about the qualityof cyberschoois
D.disappointed at the development ofcyberschools

声明:本文是由会员胡佩在2023-06-23 23:08:41发布,如若转载,请注明本文地址:https://www.pixivzhan.com/qita/143612.html
